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Corporate Presentations


product217Sep2020 Read more

Announcement for Morris Holdings Limited provided joint liability guarantee for bank loan of Hunan Morris Fashion Home Company Limited.

product212Jan2018 Read more

MorriSofa new flagship store officially launched in Shanghai, China

product221Sep2017 Read more

MorriSofa first flagship store officially launched in Hong Kong

product208Jun2017 Read more

Interview with Chairman Mr. Morris Zou at RTHK

product231May2017 Read more

Morris Holdings held its first Annual General Meeting

product219May2017 Read more

Morris Holdings has been selected as constituent stock of MSCI Hong Kong Micro Cap Index

product204May2017 Read more

Morris Holdings finished first round of Hong Kong Roadshow and received enthusiastic responses from investors

product212Jan2017 Read more

Morris Holdings Limited (stock code: 1575.HK) commenced trading on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited

product229Dec2016 Read more

Morris Holdings announced details of proposed listing on SEHK Main Board


product204Sep>2024 Download PDF

Monthly Returns (CHI)

product204Sep>2024 Download PDF

Monthly Returns (ENG)

product230Aug>2024 Download PDF

Announcements and Notices (CHI)

product230Aug>2024 Download PDF

Announcements and Notices (ENG)